Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Fab Lab Haystack Projects – From Haystack Students – 2011 Session 2 – Week 2

I just spent 2 weeks at the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts helping students there contextualize and make use of the new permanent fab lab there.  Here are some projects that the Haystack students created.

Jungil Hong – Copper Colander

Jung created a small copper colander by taking a round piece of copper, drilling a pattern of holes in it with the ShopBot (with help from Jonathan Ward), and then shaping it.  Later, handles were added.
copper colandercopper colandercopper colandercopper colandercopper colandercopper colandercopper colander

Lu Heintz – Copper Lungs

Lu created copper lungs by first etching the lung pattern on the copper and then cutting them out on the ShopBot (with help from Jonathan Ward) and then shaping them.lung lunglunglunglung

Jennifer Cooke – Light Box (wood)

Jennifer was participating in the Wood / Interactive Objects collaboration workshop at Haystack.  She lasercut and laminated plywood together with mirrored acrylic and wired LEDs to a central pot to control the LEDs.  Photos show a work in progress.
light boxIMG_5198.jpglight boxlight boxlight boxlight box