13 Machine Design Fab Academy AS220 - Providence, RI Fab Academy Providence -Year I - Student Projects

The Mantis Hardware + Software Trial Run

After we put the spindle together – Shawn and I tested the Mantis to see if it would respond to commands. It looks like Fab Academy AS220 (with a huge effort on Noah’s part) put machine together properly.

The Mantis responded to the following commands (see screenshots) and responded well. The next step is to figure out how to feed an .rml file into the software. (in progress). After that we need to mill a board on the Mantis and see how it turns out.

06 Embedded Programming Fab Academy Providence -Year I - Student Projects

Modified Hello Echo – Part I: Hello Echo + Button + FTDI

Modified Echo Version 1 – Complete But Broken

This version milled out a bit hairy. Some of the traces were broken, so I used jumpers to re-connect them.

Modified Hello Echo + FTDI + Button  v.1

There must have been a short somewhere – after stuffing it, setting the fuses and flashing it, I plugged it in to a 9v battery and received a puff of smoke for my efforts. The LED went on – then smoke came out.

Modified Hello Echo + FTDI + Button v.1

In addition, I placed the button too close to the programming header, making it hard to press the button. I am not including the Eagle board or schematic here – see version 2 for a better board.

Back to Eagle!!! See version 2 for a (hopefully) improved and working board).

09 3D Scanning and Printing Fab Academy AS220 - Providence, RI Fab Academy Providence -Year I - Student Projects

First 3D Scans – Modela Scan of Laughing Die and Shell

  “Laughing” Die 3D Scan Data
cube scan

Shell 3D Scan Data
3D_Scanning_Inshell7.pngshell scan

The Fab Academy Assignment
The assignment was to scan an object. I used the scanning attachment for the Modela milling machine and the Dr. Picza 3 software that comes with the Modela.  The Dr. Picza software works well enough, but unfortunately, it only runs on Windows.

The yellow Modela attachment (see pictures below) taps around the surface of an object using a touch sensor in order to scan a representation of it into the computer.

The objects I scanned were one of Shawn Wallace’s “laughing” dice and a shell we had laying around the lab. The output was saved as screenshots and as an .stl file that can be imported into meshlab and then cleaned up and (hopefully) printed with the Makerbot Cupcake CNC printer.

Laughing Die Scanning Process

die scandie scandie scandie scan

Laughing Die Scan Output

Shell Scanning Process

Shell Scan Output

09 3D Scanning and Printing Fab Academy AS220 - Providence, RI Fab Academy Providence -Year I - Student Projects

3D Printing – Interlocking Rings

3D print

The Fab Academy Assignment

The Fab Academy assignment for this unit was to print an object

This was my first 3D printing attempt, I used a file called “Interlocked Rigs” by ssd available from Thingaverse.

The Project: 3D Printing Linked Rings

Printing the interlocked rings with the MakerBot.


Printed Object


Cleaning Up the Printed Object

3D Print3D print

Final Printed Linked Rings

3D pring

Skills Learned

Learned how to use the MakerBot

Tools Used

Makerbot Cupcake CNC