Fab Academy AS220 - Providence, RI Fab Academy Providence -Year I - Student Projects

My Illuminated Fab Academy Diploma

fab academy diploma

I was not able to be present at the Fab Academy graduation ceremony at Fab 6 in Amsterdam, but Tomas Diez (the Fab Academy Coordinator) sent me my diploma file so I could lasercut my diploma myself in true DIY fashion. The diplomas fabbed for the graduation ceremony were cut from green acrylic. I had some clear acrylic laying around, so I used that instead. The acrylic diploma is shown on a lighted base that I put together for display purposes.

fab academy diplomafab academy diplomafab academy diploma

Fab Academy AS220 - Providence, RI Fab Academy Providence -Year I - Student Projects

Fab Academy Graduation – Class of 2010

Fab Academy Class of 2010 AS220 - Pilot Year

The pilot year of Fab Academy graduated today,  August 19, 2010 at the Royal Academy in Amsterdam during the Fab6 conference on digital fabrication.  Fab Academy @ AS220 Labs is pictured above.

Participants from left to right are: Shawn Wallace (our instructor), Elliot Clapp (photo credit), Anna Kaziunas France (myself), Makeda Stephenson, Jenine Bressner and Noah Bedford. All participants at Fab Academy AS220 Labs received their diploma in digital fabrication.

Watch the First Fab Academy Graduation Ceremony at the Royal Academy in Amsterdam – as I Saw it –>Via Video Conference

Watch Me watch (via split screen video):

05 Computer-Controlled Machining Fab Academy AS220 - Providence, RI Fab Academy Providence -Year I - Student Projects

Shopbot Project – Modular Shelving

I designed a very simple set of modular cube-type shelves that can be stacked side by side or on top of each other to form a larger shelf or bookcase. Inner shelves will be attached with metal hardware, as will the back and sides of the shelf

Shopbot Shelving File
Download the .svg file
08 Project Management Fab Academy Providence -Year I - Student Projects Tutorials

Very Basic Beginner Assembly Tutorial III: How to Use Avrdude

First – If you have not already compiled your program

See the Very Basic Beginner Assembly Tutorial: How to Use Gavrasm to Compile a .asm File

If you have compiled your program (created a .hex file)

*Note: If you do not yet have avrdude installed or if you are a windows user and need avr studio – see Lady Ada’s tutorials for detailed information on how to download, setup, configure and use these programs. Lady Ada’s AVR software installation tutorial

Once your AVR software tools are installed:

Again – Lady Ada has excellent detailed tutorials on how to use avrdude check the out for details on what the all the commands are and what they do – I will just give the very basics here to help you program a chip.

1. Open your command line interface and navigate to the directory that contains the file you want to flash to the microcontroller.

2. Connect your AVR programmer to your computer – I prefer the usbtiny (also created by Lady Ada and available at a reasonable price from adafruit studios).

3. If your board has an resonator / external clock you will need to set the fuses first before attempting to program the microcontroller. You must do this first. However, once the fuses are set – you do not have to do it again. The fuses are set only once. You can reprogram the microcontroller as many times as you want after the fuses are set.

example to set fuses:

avrdude -p t44 -c bsd -U lfuse:w:0x7E:m

parts used in this example:
– 20 MHz clock
– bsd cable programmer
– microcontroller – attiny44

You need to change the parts in the code above to match the parts you are using in order for it to work. Ask you instructor if you are confused.

example to set fuses:

avrdude -p t45 -c usbtiny -U lfuse:w:0x7E:m

parts used in this example:

– 10 MHz clock
– usbtiny programmer
– microcontroller – attiny45

4. If you have set the fuses already or if your board does not have an external clock – here is how to flash / program the microcontroller.

generic example to flash microcontroller:

avrdude -p microcontroller -c programmer -U flash:w:program.hex

example with actual data:

avrdude -p t44 -c usbtiny -U flash:w:freqrx3.hex

parts used in this example:

– usbtiny programmer
– microcontroller – attiny44